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About Us


Lilith Benally

aka Lily aka Bills aka OG

My name is Lily and I knew I wanted to help my papa start a business so he can pay his tuition at Columbia University. 
I was a dumpster kitty in Harlem who first started as a cat toy tester and reviewer, later I became a rotisserie chickie certified which would become a life long passion of mine. Eventually with enough hard work and determination I became co founder of Benally Cat NYC. 



Tig Benally

aka La Tigre aka Mama 

I was found on a cold rainy night under a car. It was at this moment mama picked me up and brought me home. I was very spicy but put myself through college by working double shifts at the biscuit factory. Later I became a gravy connoisseur and now happy to assist my papa pay for university and mama's grad school. 

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